News items about TMR and its members.
Wednesday, 5 February, 2025
In an effort to reduce road traffic congestion, vessels are now required to book their transits through Denison Canal, from either direction, with the Denison Canal Superintendant.
Sunday, 30 April 2023
Women Who Sail Australia, is a group of women interested in boats with a wide range of skills and interests and from all parts of Australia.
(Thursday 12 January 2023)
Due to the increased use of VHF we will no longer maintain a listening watch on HF frequency 2524 kHz as from 1 March 2023.
(Saturday 1 October 2022)
MAST, Tas Police and Tas Maritime radio have launched a new season promotion to encourage people to join Tas Maritime Radio (TMR).
(Tuesday 21 June 2022)
It is with profound sadness that we at Tas Maritime Radio report the passing of our good friend and long-time colleague Derek Blair.
(Sunday February 6, 2022)
When Pulse Hobart met with MAST at the Queens Domain last Thursday, the star of the show was Operator Bryan Rumley.
Here is a small collection of photos of Bryan performing his job of keeping Tasmanian mariners safe.
(Thursday February 3, 2022)
MAST met with Pulse Hobart at Tas Maritime's Queens Domain Operations Centre to create a message about boating safety which then appeared on Facebook.
TMR Operator Bryan Rumley was on duty at that time.
(Friday 29 October 2021)
Acting on a reliable tip off from one of our spies, Tas Maritime's Operators gathered at the Queens Domain base today to farewell past operator Derek Blair who is uprooting himself and soon to relocate to Melbourne to live with his son.
(Thursday 10 June 2021)
In the interests of boating safety Tas Maritime Radio (TMR) has installed a live camera at the Marion Narrows to monitor the transit of vessels and provide vision of current sea conditions.
(Tuesday 1 June 2021)
IMOS has established a new waverider buoy approximately 20km northeast of Maria Island which is providing very useful information on sea conditions on the East Coast. This buoy complements the existing West Coast waverider at Cape Sorell.
(Tuesday 18 May 2021)
Since the recent retirement of Mary Kay (Smithton Radio) we now provide continuous 24 hour state-wide coverage every day of the year.
(Saturday 1 May 2021)
We recently received news that Mike Hooper had passed away in Thailand.
(Monday 28 September 2020)
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of our good friend and colleague John Parsell in the early hours of this morning.
(Tuesday, 28 January 2020)
Tas Maritime Radio announces its new service for members Safety Watch.
Safety Watch is principally designed to provide overdue alerts for members who voluntarily request that they be logged into the ...
(Sunday, 22 September 2019)
Hannah Sutton and Grant Ryan dropped by the Tas Maritime base having set foot once again on the Tasmanian mainland after their six-month winter stint as caretakers on Maatsuyker Island.
The highlight of their stay was their engagement as reported on the ABC and reproduced Read more ...
(Wednesday, 26 June 2019)
Without our volunteers Tas Maritime Radio would not exist. In appreciation of their efforts a light lunch was held recently for operators and their partners at our operations centre. Many operators don’t get the chance to meet each other because their shifts are on different days and so it’s a good
(Friday, 1 February 2019)
TMR has a long association with the Maatsuyker Island volunteer caretakers. Almost every day we catch up with them by radio – usually after one of our routine skeds.
(Friday, 21 December, 2018)
On Friday Tas Maritime's volunteers gathered with their long-suffering partners at the Geilston Bay Boat Club for our annual Christmas lunch.
(Tuesday, 04 December, 2018)
In early December Cruising Yacht Club of Tasmania members visited Tas Maritime's new Operations Building at the Queens Domain where they experienced Tas Maritime Radio in operation.
(Saturday, 10 November 2018)
A couple of problems have recently come to light wherein members either did not know that their Annual Membership Service Fee was due, or that they believed they had paid via Internet Banking but in fact had not.
(Saturday, 30 June, 2018)
Tas Maritime Radio officially opened their new operations centre yesterday. The new building houses the radio room, training area and marine radio museum.
(Monday 22 January 2018)
It is with sadness we report the passing of James Bylett Friday 5 January 2018.
(Thursday, November 29, 2017)
After three months of construction our new operations centre has reached lockup stage.
(Friday, September 22, 2017)
After more than two years of planning, work has begun on our new radio room and marine radio museum.
(Tuesday, June 20, 2017)
Following planned internal restructuring TasPorts advised they were no longer able to continue after hours monitoring of Tas Maritime Radio’s state-wide VHF network.
(Monday 26 December 2016)
Tas Maritime Radio (TMR) has now commissioned a new multi channel marine VHF base station to provide safety coverage to the highland lakes area.
(Friday 21 July 2016)
After many years on the wish list, there is now a fully equipped VHF base station at Maatsuyker Island, with a 24/7 listening watch on channel 16.
(Friday 14 July 2016)
This month Tas Maritime Radio celebrates its 40th Birthday. That's 40 years, as Tas Maritime Radio's motto says, of volunteers providing safety services for Tasmanian mariners.
(Monday 11 April 2016)
It is with sadness we report the passing of Len Bonnitcha on Saturday 9 April 2016.
(Monday 18 January 2016)
Tas Maritime has now installed a VHF base station to cover the central north coastline.
(Monday 11 January 2016)
The MAST VHF base station on Three Hummock Island has been monitored and controlled by Mary Kay for many years.
(Thursday 5 February 2015)
At Tas Maritime Radio's Christmas Lunch in December, three of our volunteers were acknowledged for volunteering with TMR in its various guises for 10 years.
(Monday 5 January 2015)
Mariners are advised not to enter St Helens at night - it is extremely dangerous to do so.
(Wednesday 15 October 2014)
Rex was the Tasmar Radio Base operator at South Arm between 1985 and 1989).
(Tuesday 1 July 2014)
From 1 July 2014 Coast Radio Hobart will be known as Tas Maritime Radio (or TMR) to better reflect TMR's overall coverage area.
(Saturday 24 May 2014)
During the winter months some of our regular operators head for warmer climates for a month or two, leaving large gaps in our roster. If you would like to volunteer for this rewarding role as a trained radio operator, see below.
(Thursday 1 May 2014)
Two weeks ago CRH directors Barry McCann and Brian Muir, with volunteer Telstra technicians John Parker, Warren Arbuckle and Jason Gaitero, drove to Mt. Read on the west coast (near Rosebery) to instal equipment for a new base station.