TasRep Voyage Reporting Service
A service for mariners taking longer blue water voyages.

If you are planning an extended voyage or perhaps several days or weeks exploring the Tasmania coastline, it's a good idea to set up a TasRep Transit Sheet for your voyage. You can set this up online by clicking on the Go to TasRep button at the bottom of this page.
If you get into difficulties, are overdue, or simply if a friend or relative calls us asking where and how you are, we will have your latest information at hand.
You provide us with details of your voyage and vessel, along with shore contact details. For your safety it is important that you contact us when you depart and at least once each day, preferably at a pre-arranged time nominated by you. While you may contact us at the end of a sked, it may be better to nominate a different time as our operator will then have more time to devote to your call. Don't think that calling more than once a day is a nuisance to us - it isn't. We take an interest in you and your voyage and enjoy hearing from you.
Make sure that when you call you use your transit number with your boatname/callsign. We have many operators and not all would be aware that there is an active Transit Sheet for you.
If you stop over at somewhere for more than a day, ask our operator to place your Transit in STOPOVER mode: this stops the system from showing you as OVERDUE.
Closing the Transit Sheet
If your destination is in our radio coverage area, be sure to advise us that you have arrived and that the Transit Sheet can be closed.
If your destination is not in our coverage area, say overseas or on the Australian mainland, we will hand you over to another coast station when you are at the edge of our coverage area (this depends on what means of communication you have on your vessel). We will send the Transit Sheet to them and they will continue to log your progress (unless you specifically ask us not to do so).
We typically hand over to Taupo Maritime Radio for New Zealand, Marine Rescue Eden for northbound voyages, or Marine Radio Victoria for trips to Melbourne and the Victorian coast.
How can you contact TMR
During your voyage you can make contact in many ways: mobile phone, SAT phone, VHF radio, HF radio, email via the Internet.
Remember your TasRep Transit number and add it to your callsign whenever you call in during your journey. For example you may say "Invincible Transit 32", or if you have an RG number, "RG888 Transit 32".
Remember the more frequently you call us, the greater our awareness of your location and well-being.
What happens if you are overdue?
We expect to hear from you at least once each day, unless you are in STOPOVER mode. If we haven’t heard from you we will try to make contact to ascertain that you are safe and where you are. We will not call your shore contact without your permission as this can cause undue distress.
Your Privacy
We will only share your details with authorised Search and Rescue organisations if a distress situation arises, or in passing your Transit on to the next coast station on your voyage.