Denison Canal Transit Bookings

Thursday, 19 December 2024

In an effort to reduce road traffic congestion, vessels are now required to book their transits through Denison Canal, from either direction, with the Denison Canal Superintendant.

Denison Canal Bridge
Denison Canal Bridge
To book a transit during normal operating times, 8am to 5pm, call the Canal Superintendant on (03) 6253 5113 or VHF Channel 16 at least two hours prior to your proposed transit. Note that 24 hours notice is preferred.

Access will not be permitted if contact is made within 2 hours of your intended transit.

On approach to the Canal call the Superintendant 15 minutes ahead of your arrival - you will then be asked to change to VHF Channel 14 for your actual transit.

In the event of an emergency the bridge can be opened outside these times by contacting the Dept of State Growth - Roads and Bridges on 1300 139 933.

For full details check the Department of State Growth website.