They have said that we ...
We at Tas Maritime Radio try to do a good job looking after the safety of Tasmanian mariners and it is nice to hear positive comments from our members and others that reinforce our efforts.
This a collection of comments that have come to our attention.
We want to thank TMR for the truly wonderful service you provide. When we were sailing, especially o nthe west coast, it was extremely reassuring to hear the daily weather forecasts, and to be able to check in. Thank you!
SE, Visitng vessel
Your organisation offers an excellent and professional service, all the more because TMR is manned by people who provide their services on a volunteer basis.
AH, TMR Member
You folks are doing a great job, many thanks for your assistance in the past.
IW, Past Member
Thankyou for the newsletter and a special Thankyou for all the assistance TMR provides and also the ‘000’s of hours undertaken by volunteers, I for one, am very appreciative.
WM, TMR Member
You do a fantastic job and we really depend on you as you make our waters just that much safer for us all. CM, TMR Member
CM, TMR Member
Thankyou for your awesome service which I have enjoyed over many years. Plus you saved my bacon a few years ago when my propellor fell off and a Good Samaritan from the Tas Maritime community came to my rescue.
CW, Past Member
Been a long association with Tas Maritime and those before you but, sooner it become time make fast ashore. Thank for being there and your service.
GK, Past Member
Nice knowing you're there when out on the water.
RM, Past Member
Many thanks for the hard yards you all do. An amazing group of people for an amazing state.
SC, Past Member
Thank you for your coverage over the many years we have had boats in Tasmanian waters.
JR, Past Member
Thank you once again for such essential services, and for the dedication of the people behind TSMRG on the other end of the radio. As someone that has successfully had 3 different boats in the last 30 years, I really appreciate the importance of the coverage, diligence and service that you give.
MJ, Current Member
Thank you for your service to my fishing industry.
RH, Past Member
I would like to thank you for many years of fantastic service from all at TMR. What a wonderful organisation.
MW, Past Member
It has been a difficult decision to give up boating but my wife and I thank the service and the Radio Operators for their company over the many years.
GP, Past Member
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your services and the courteous and patient disposition of all of your radio operators – especially as they sometimes need to change a couple of switches to call through to Highland Lakes Base Stations – but with my Guests, I feel absolutely secure operating on inland waters as much as in coastal waters.
CS, Current Member
Tas Maritime is a fantastic organisation.
BM, Current Member
Thank you and the team for their excellent service over the 20 years we lived on the boat. You all have much to be proud of.
GR, Current Member
I thank you and all your volunteers for their commitment to the safety of mariners.
MF, Past Member
We would again like to thank you and the many, many radio operators for your truly excellent and reassuring coverage over the last 35 years.
GC, Past Member
Thank you for providing a great service to myself and to all the users of the VHF network.
PM, Past Member
Thanks to everyone as Tas Maritime for your excellent service and friendly coverage. A group of us did the VDLC this year in Moonwatch and we very much appreciated the service and support you provided. On and off, I’ve been a member of Tas Maritime and its predecessors since 1984 and have always been thankful that you are there for us.
GH, Past Member
Many thanks for your excellent service while we were in Tasmanian waters last year. I wish to thank and commend you on your excellent service.
CM, Past Member
I would like to thank your organisation for providing an excellent service during my membership over the past 22 years. Even though I only used the service on a few occasions it was comforting to know you were there.
TH, Past Member
Thank you for the great service that you have provided always felt good when you were in background whilst I was fishing.
CM, Past Member
We moved to Brisbane earlier this year but I ma happy to support the Tas Maritime Radio service and will send the annual fee asap. The Tas Maritime Radio Service is such great support for all sailers and boaties not just from Tasmania and I like to send my heartfelt Thank you for the service we used over the last years.
JF, TMR Member
Thank you for all of your good work to help keep the boating community around Tasmania supported and safe.
IM, TMR Member
Heading back down to your waters in March for an extended cruise and find your service second to none.
MF, TMR Member
I wish to thank you for all the work you do, and for helping to keep us sailors safe.
CW, Past Member
Thanks heaps for what you guys do, as a crayfisherman, I’d be absolutely stuffed without the daily skeds. Pretty much my whole days out there revolve around being around a VHF when the weather comes on.
WG, TMR Member
Thank you for the service you have provided, it was always comforting to know that someone was keeping an ear out when I was on the water.
RA, Past Member
Thanks for ... your faithful service to mariners.
CE, TMR Member
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone associated with Tas Maritime Radio for their service over many years.
MW, Past Member
We appreciate all that Tasmaritime does for the boating community and should we return to Tassie we’ll definitely become members again.
GW, Past Member
... much appreciated and all that the Radio Group does! A great asset to the state.
EDG, TMR Member
Thank you for your valuable service over many years.
RM, Past Member
Many thanks for your service. It is much appreciated. | MO, TMR Member
The Bradys Sugarloaf Mast provides coverage to so much of the Central Plateau including some of the 19 Lagoons of the Western Lakes. Thank you Tas Maritime Radio for this extension of coverage to inland waterways where mobile phone coverage is patchy “at best”. Your leadership is very much appreciated. | CS, TMR Member
Thank you Tas Maritime Radio operators We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Tassie having been caught by Covid and “forced” to stay a couple of years more than we planned. We have really appreciated the security of your organisation as we travelled around especially as we worked our way up the west coast of Flinders Is to Outer Sister Is and eventually across to Eden. Thanks for on forwarding our details - that worked a treat and they were expecting us. Great service - keep up the good work.
ML, TMR Member
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the support from Tas Maritime Radio in monitoring the safety of my Guests and myself when I’m out and about in the Central Highlands. In addition to my main GME GX600 Boat-based VHF Radio, which I usually call TMR on when I’m boat-based guiding, I always carry a “hand-held” GME GX800 VHF Radio and Satellite Phone when I’m walking to the 19 Lagoons and more remote Western Lakes – just in case, to either notify an emergency, or to respond to one.The 1st number on my Satellite Phone Emergency Contact is to Tas Maritime Radio. You guys are at the top of my list!
CS, TMR Member
Thanks for all the support you offer Tasmanian boaters ... and for your support during my time on the water.
GS, Past Member
Thank you for your service which is great.
FD, TMR Member
I thank you for the many years of service I received from your organisation.
KB, Past Member
Many thanks for your great service over the last 11years.
DN, Past Member
I am happy to become involved with such a worthwhile organisation.
DT, Member
Over the years, I found all of your operators to be very obliging, helpful and simply cheerful at all times and I have further been pleased to see that my membership subscriptions have been channelled into the many improvements to your operations which have been made over the years.
KW, Past Member
The Tas Maritime Radio Service is such great support for all sailers and boaties not just from Tasmania and I like to send my heartfelt Thank you for the service we used over the last years.
JF, Member
Thanks very much for the ongoing excellent service.
GJ, Member
The comfort of knowing I had Tas Maritime Radio in the back ground was a ground breaker.
TS, TMR Member
A HUGE Thank-you for your time and the weather ... and being "just a call away" during our time here in Tassie.
DB, Interstate Visitor
... sincere appreciation for all that Tasmaritime does to contribute to the safety of all those who love to explore Tasmanian waters.
Thank you for the great service all the volunteers provide.
PS, TMR Member
Thank you for making me feel safe in Tasmanian waters.
DW, TMR Member
Many thanks for the long years of incredibly valuable coverage. There is no doubt that the service you provide is far beyond anything I can say - great many thanks.
DT, Past Member
As I have said to you people at Tas Maritime before, you do a fantastic job, keep up the good work.
CD, TMR Member
Thanks to the team for providing this ongoing important service.
MK, TMR Member
We take this opportunity to thank you for your reliable and valued service over the years and if we are sailing in Tas again we will definitely be in touch.
GH, Past Member
Thanking you and the staff for the wonderful service you have provided me over the years.
JG, Past Member
Thank you for your excellent service.
MC, Past Member
Thank you for the great service over the many years I have been a member.
MF, Past Member
Many thanks for the excellent service.
PM, Past Member
Thank you for being there for all the years past and the help you have given us all.
BT, Past Member
You guys do great work! You haven't increased fees for "yonks". Hope I never need to make a Mayday call, but its comfort to know that a well trained person is on the other end of the line if needed!
GM, TMR Member
Thank you all for your continuing outstanding service over many, many years that I have been associated with your wonderful group of people.
GJ, Past Member
I’m a new member and have found this newsletter really informative, keep up the great work!
RW, TMR Member
I love getting my newsletter! Thanks to all those who contribute and put it all together.
CP, TMR Member
Thank you so much for all of your services whilst I have been a member, the work that the organisation does is outstanding! And I look forward to coming back one day when I purchase my next boat.
SS, Past Member
I loved having the service and if/when I replace the boat will definitely restart my subscription.
LC, Past Member
Well done with the newsletter and great work with the camera at Marion bay narrows.
JD, TMR Member
[We had] a great trip and as usual appreciated your support and help during our travels.
IM, TMR Member
Thank you very much to .. your team for the continued excellent service.
GJ, TMR Member
Very happy to support you guys with the excellent job you do.
CD, TMR Member
Many thanks for the help and safety that you have provided for our boat and it's crew for the last 5 years or so.
DS, TMR Member
My partner and I were out on the Derwent near Taroona. We are new to boating and this was our 3rd trip out. Our boat died in the water, and we don't know why. Thank you for your help in finding someone nearby who was gracious enough to tow us back to our boat ramp. We are incredibly appreciative of both you and [that vessel] for your assistance.
MC, Local Mariner
I wish to thank you for the wonderful service you provide and I hope the new owner will take up membership in my stead.
PD, Retiring member.
Best wishes to you and all the volunteers for the fantastic job you all do.
RdL, Retiring member.
I would like to take the opportunity to say that I much appreciated your radio coverage of vessels at sea although I am only a day fisherman out of Devonport, it is great to know someone is listening.
JP, Retiring member.
Thank you for a fantastic service over many years.
AS, Retiring member.
While I have never really had a need to utilise your services I was always extremely grateful to know you were there.
RW, Retiring member.
Thank you for the past 15 years.
LS, Retiring member.
Thank you and the group for the great service provided over the last thirty or so years and all the best for the future.
DS, Retiring member.
We have been delighted to have been associated with TMR over the years and have nothing but praise for the service you provide.
TH, Retiring member.
Thank you for your service, we appreciate it very much.
SO, TMR member.
My experiences and camaraderie with your team over the years has been most enjoyable.
MW, Retiring member.
Thanks for the excellent service provided.
VB, Retiring member.
Thanks for Tas Maritime Radio support over the years. Still remember Tasmar Radio when away as a kid. Will always be a member.
NF, TMR member.
It's nice to know you're out there.
SW, TMR member.
As I often sailed solo, ... it was reassuring to always have someone at the other end of the VHF radio set. And in the early days, of course, essential for weather forecasting and family contact.
RI, Retiring member.
Very many thanks for the coverage over the years.
MH, Retiring member.
Thanks for the great service you provide.
RW, TMR member.
I appreciate what Tas Marine does for the maritime industry particularly the small boat owner.
JQ, Retiring member.
Thank you for all your skeds and coverage of keeping us safe.
BM, Interstate visitor.
You guys provide a cracker of a service and my family and I are most grateful.
RF, TMR member.
Thank you for your coverage. We really appreciate it.
RB, Visiting yachtsman.
Thank you TMR for the coverage over the last few weeks. You are amazing.
NK, Interstate TMR member.
Thank you for the great service and support provided on our recent trip from Melbourne to SE Tas and return. All went to plan for us so thankfully just routine coms but knowing we could contact you at virtually any stage of the trip if something went wrong was reassuring.
MA, Visitor to Tasmania.
Many thanks for the service provided. Great to have a friendly voice close by.
MS, TMR member.
Just a quick thank you to the TMR operators that provided us weather forecasts during our Jan 2020 kayak trip to Macquarie Harbour and the Gordon River.
CF, TMR member.
Thanks Tas maritime I’m sure [Safety Watch] will be a great offering.
LR, TMR member.
[Safety Watch] another great safety measure by your excellent organisation.
GJ, TMR member.
Thank you for being there over the last 41 years. It has been a great comfort and professional service.
AP, Retiring member.
Thank you for being there for the 12 or so years I was on the water. I always felt secure in the knowledge that someone was listening.
AS, Retiring member.
Thanks you for your coverage on our trip home from Hobart to Melbourne. The service is first class.
SJ, Visitor.
Have really appreciated having the team back us up over Christmas- New year period.
CP, TMR member.
There is of course no doubt who the real heroes are ... – they are the gentleman who direct and manage sophisticated technologies and an extraordinary group of volunteers to make our waterways ‘a MUCH safer place’.
CS, TMR member.
Seasons’ Greetings to you all and to the fabulous Family of Tas Maritime Radio Volunteers who work to make our waters a safer working and recreational environment.
CS, TMR member.
We would like to thank you and all at TMR for their wonderful service over the years.
JD, Retiring TMR member.
Really appreciate the great service Tas Maritime provides.
FM, TMR member.
Thanks for the great service.
MA, Visitor transitting from the mainland.
It is with deep regret the time came to sell my boat. But now I turned 96 and although fit and healthy I am not as stable anymore There is a time for everything, is my motto. I have been boating 75 years, in Holland, Indonesia Victoria and Tasmania. Thanks for keeping us safe !
HL, Retiring TMR member
Thank you for the radio coverage over the last forty years.
RC, Retiring TMR member
Thanks to all the volunteers for their excellent service over the years. It really is a unique and wonderful service.
RG, Retiring TMR member
Sincere thanks for your stellar efforts.
AS, Retiring TMR member
Thanks for the terrific service to mariners you provide, and for all your good work and excellent staff and volunteers.
CW, Retiring TMR member
Thanks for the wonderful service you provide.
CE, TMR member
We would like to thank you for all the help and support you have given over the past 8 years.
RM, TMR past member
We thank you for your on call assistance during our time on the water. It was a great comfort to us to know that you were always there if and when we needed you.
GB, TMR past member
Thanks for a lifetime of beaut memories.
CB, TMR past member of 42 years
It was great hearing you guys with your regular reports and even better when you could hear us calling in. A huge comfort for us being out there on our first Tasman crossing.
Thanks again to all at Tas Maritime ... over
DH, TMR member
Thank you for the wonderful job you all do. We’ll miss your voices as we sail up the mainland coast.
EO & BO, Interstate sailors
We appreciate Tas Maritime's ability to keep an eye out for everyone and to help keep them safe. Rest assured that if there aren't a great many callbacks, everyone is listening to the weather broadcasts.
VDLC participant
Thank you for the time and effort you all put into managing the radio weather and skeds. It is very much appreciated.
JT, Interstate sailor
Good morning Tas Maritime,
Just a quick note to say thank you for your services. I have just been in the Tamar River on my yacht, after sailing across Bass Strait via the prom, Deal Island etc.Your cheery forecasts, call-ins and messages are a highlight of the day, and a "must hear" for all boaties, fishermen, and sailors.
It is very good to know that someone is watching out for us, and cares enough to put in the effort that you do.
On behalf of everyone, thank you.
RM, Interstate sailor
Thanks to Tas Maritime Radio for an excellent job.
Interstate visitor
It is soothing to know that an organisation such as Tas Maritime is looking after us.
PW, TMR member
As my time in Tasmania comes to an end, catching the Spirit of Tasmania back to Melbourne, I would like to sincerely thank all of the team from Tasmania Marine Radio for the kind support for my solo Jet Ski circumnavigation around Tasmania. From the first time I made a tentative phone call to make initial contact, through to my first meetings, radio calls and finale to the trip, the professional help I received was always above reproach. For a volunteer organisation, (I think they should be paid) they delivered an amazing service from start to finish.
LW, visitor from South Australia
Recently your team helped me contact a ship that was in Port Davey, so as to coordinate my flight in. I was worried that I would be stranded and unable to meet the ship, given my original flight was cancelled due to a high wind warning.
You were able to both get a message to the ship and then get a message back to me confirming my revised pick up.
Thank you so much for your assistance. I was in a challenging situation and your assistance enable me to reach my vessel for the rest of the 2019 Van Dieman’s land circumnavigation. Great work guys!!!
KT, VDLC participant
Thanks for your service whilst I should use it more often when I am going out it is nice to just know you guys are there and are local!!! Thanks.
CH, TMR member
You all do a really good job at Tas Maritime radio. I was very appreciative of your coverage and support during my time sailing solo in Tasmania.
JA, retired TMR member
It’s been good to know someone is out there listening.
IH, retired TMR member
I would like to express my thanks to all the volunteers who have provided a great service over the past (nearly) 30 years that I have been involved.
You should be very proud of the work you have done, and the improvements in communication that now exist for the Tasmanian boating fraternity.
LF, retired TMR member
Over the many years as a member I would sincerely like to thank all your present and past volunteers for the marvelous job they have done, and also for the added infrastructure around the state that has helped make the boating community safer.
GR, TMR member
Going to Coast Radio Hobart tonight to get my own RG number . Good value and safety at sea. (2012)
RB, TMR member
Best thing i ever did , great team up at Tas Maritime Radio ( TMR ) as it is now known. (2018)
Thank you for providing a great service by all volunteers.
IR, TMR member
Thank you for your assistance during our visit to Tasmania this summer. It was great to hear the weather reports and the friendly voices while cruising your lovely island.
AK & CB, visitors from NSW
Thank you for the amazing service of Tas Maritime Radio.
JF, TMR member
I purchased a Fisher 32 Motor Sailer in Hobart back in November and left it in Hobart and commuted several times between Melbourne and Hobart to enjoy the beautiful sailing waters you have around Hobart / Tasmania and then sailed ( actually motored all the way - weather !!!! ) back to Melbourne.
I was not able to sail and see as much as I would have liked due to weather but what I did do was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I joined Tasmaritime Radio when I was told about the coverage you provide especially in my case sailing back to Melbourne and it proved to be money well spent.
I wish to express my admiration and appreciation for the fantastic Radio Network you have and especially the volunteer radio operators who man the radio with their professional and helpful manner in conducting the Radio Skeds and Log ins. I am very thankful for your assistance while sailing in your waters. I just wish that here in Victoria we had a system that is as good as your Radio Network. Good luck for the future.
BW, TMR member
Do you own a boat and do you live in Tasmania? Why not consider joining Tas Maritime Radio? Membership is affordable and provides valuable safety services for Tasmanian mariners.
Facebook post by TARfish
Yes these guys do a brilliant job right around the state. They also support Tasmanian gamefishing via radio relay assistance to our competitions and off shore boating. It’s a critically important part of the safety management measures. Please support them.
JE, commmenting on the TARfish post
Great idea. You get a “call sign” & TMR have your personal details including who to call in the event you get into trouble! You also get up to date & reliable weather scheds. They do a great job!
GM, commmenting on the TARfish post
As a Tasmanian I am proud of our Tasmanian services. TMR does more than its best.
IR, TMR member
As usual your service is excellent.
BS, TMR member
Thanks for your great service. Tasmania has the best maritime radio service in Australia - and the best boating!!!
AH, TMR member
Keep up the good work, it’s a fantastic service Tas Maritime Radio provides.
CD, TMR member
I live in Brisbane and joined for last year's VDLC. I am happy to let my membership lapse but will rejoin if I come back for another VDLC. I think your operators are on the ball and do a great job. I am happy to support Tas Maritime when I am next in Tasmania.
HB, former TMR member
Thanks for the superb and ever expanding radio coverage over many years.
BW, TMR member
Thank you for your splendid service which we appreciate greatly.
JD, TMR member
I am so impressed with the services Tas Maritime provides, always increasing, what a fantastic bunch of volunteers.
JJ, TMR member
I have not owned a boat for a very long time and now seems the time to vacate my registration as I have no intention of buying another. I am most grateful for the company of Tas Maritime in the past and have continued paying dues in appreciation, although I have not had use for the service for many years. I wish you wonderful people all the best in continuing this very valuable service.
RJ, former TMR member
I'm from WA and think that the service provided by Tas Maritime is outstanding and we appreciate it very much.
MM, visitor
My sincerest thanks for both the efforts of all those volunteering their time and providing such a professional service, from the days of Len Bonnitcha onwards (last century now), and also for the impressive infrastructure Tas Maritime and its sponsors have built in the interests of maritime safety over the years.
AH, TMR member