Logging In With Tas Maritime
Keep safe: Log in with Tas Maritime every time you’re out.

Whether you're on an extended voyage or just out for a day's fishing, it's a good idea to periodically advise Tas Maritime Radio of your location and intentions. Please advise when you have returned to your mooring or marina and closing, that way we know you are safe and sound.
If you get into difficulties, are overdue, or simply if a friend or relative calls us asking where and how you are, being the only official Coast Station in Tasmania, we will have your latest information at hand.
As the state’s only official Coast Station the TMR radio room is manned from 0700 until 1900 every day of the year. We broadcast 3 skeds each day. At the completion of the weather vessels are invited to call in to provide position reports. You don't have to wait for a sked though: you can call in any time between 0700 and 1900 hours. After hours our network is manned by Golden Electrons Security for urgent or emergency calls to Tas Maritime Radio.
If you are planning an extended voyage or perhaps several days or weeks exploring the Tasmania coastline, it's a good idea to set up a TasRep Transit Sheet for your voyage. You can set this up online by going to the TasRep page by clicking here.
On VHF channel 16 from all coastal areas.
On HF frequencies 4125, 6215 or 8291 kHz for offshore areas up to 500 nautical miles away.
You may phone us on (61) 03 6231 2276 from your Mobile or Satphone.
On ocean voyages, if you have Internet on your vessel, consider sending an email to us at