TMR Membership
Join Tas Maritime - it's a great investment in your safety.

When Tas Maritime Radio started as the Tasmanian Smallcraft Marine Radio Group in 1975. It consisted of fourteen people who chipped in $10 per year toward the costs of running the Margate Base. During the following years membership grew at an average rate of 100 per year. Since then we have grown into one of the largest radio networks in Australia with over 1,000 members, yet in forty years our annual service fee has only risen $25. Members' contributions cover many costs, some of which include, construction, purchase and maintenance of our equipment. At any one time we have in excess of 50 transmitters, receivers and associated antennae in service, not counting spares. We have numerous battery banks, chargers, power supplies and solar panels. We have six control panels, at least 13 computers, monitors and printers, not to mention test equipment, coaxial cabling, fax machines and more.
We have all the usual expenses such as phone, power, rent, insurance etc. We also contribute to any out of pocket expenses our volunteers may incur as a result of their commitment to Tas Maritime Radio.
With costs increasing, we need more people to join up and share the cost of this first class service if we are to hold our annual service fee at $35. It has always been our policy to keep our annual service fee as low as possible and at 67 cents per week we are doing a pretty good job.
One of the main benefits of being a member is having your vessel details in our database. This could prove crucial in the event of you being caught up in a distress situation because we already have all your details at hand if we need to relay them to authorities in a Search & Rescue (SAR) situation. Another is having a dedicated and unique RG Callsign issued to you, a brief and specific Callsign is much easier to understand and write down than a boat name. Some boat names are nearly impossible to de-cypher on radio in some conditions. Once we have your RG Callsign (eg RG888) then we know all there is to know about you and your vessel and the safety equipment you carry.
But the over-riding fact is that if no one joined, there simply wouldn’t be a service.
So for a $10 joining fee and $35 annual service fee join up and support this valuable safety service.
(If you have a second boat, there is only one joining fee and the annual service fee for the second boat is $25).
How Do I Join?
Click on the button at the end of this paragraph. This will take you to an online form where you can complete your contact details and the details of your vessel online. A lot of information is required, but it's for your safety. When you submit this all that remains is for you to pay your annual service fee and joining fee ($45 in total).
PLEASE NOTE: When asked to enter numbers for lengths, HP, speed etc, do NOT enter any letters - numbers only (decimal point is OK).
When your application is submitted you will be given an Application number and en email will be sent to your address with the details you have entered.
If this does not happen try again or contact us.
Of course, if you'd rather complete a form with pen and paper, you can go to Forms where you can download a manual form which you can complete at your leisure and post to us.
How Can I Pay?
After you submit the online Application Form you will be taken to a page containing the detailsl you need to make your payment.
In summary, you can send us a cheque (see Contact Us below for the address), or pay by direct debit into TMR's bank account via Internet banking, or take your form and cash into Peter Johnston Ship Chandlers, 21 Morrison St Hobart.
(You can also request TMR's Internet banking details by sending an email to ).
A Word About Privacy
Tas Maritime Radio does not share your information with anyone other than Search and Rescue authorities, and then only in a distress situation.